In 1940-41 some members of Fidelity Lodge started to talk about forming a Lodge of Instruction in Toowoomba. Permission was granted and the Toowoomba Lodge of Instruction holden under the sanction of Fidelity commenced in July 1941.
The first preceptor was V W Bro Prestorus with W Bro Hall elected as Secretary. Not long after its formation, W Bro Hall died as the result of an aircraft accident. The lodge was thus in limbo for a time, until Bro Noel Wilson stepped in and took the position, which he held for over thirty years.
Another local Mason who contributed greatly to the success of the Lodge was R W Bro Clem Adams, PSGW who was Treasurer for some forty years. He also had the responsibility of printing and distribution of our publication entitled THE BEACON for a great deal of those years and it was published monthly for around forty years.